Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works

One of the most effective ways to implement the research-based instructional strategies from Classroom Instruction That Works is to use them with educational technologies, such as word processing and spreadsheet applications, multimedia, data collection tools, communication software, and the Internet. This book shows you how and gives you hundreds of lesson-planning ideas and strategies for every grade level and subject. Discover new educational tools that support research-based instruction, and learn ways to use technologies you already know to

  • Create and use advance organizers and non linguistic representations
  • Help students take notes, summarize content, and make comparisons
  • Engage students in cooperative learning
  • Help students generate and test hypotheses
  • Support students in practicing new skills and doing homework
  • Reinforce students' efforts through formative assessment and feedback
Getting this guide ensures you always know when to use educational technologies, which ones are best for a learning task, and how they help students use new learning strategies.

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