
Action Research as Professional Development

Action Research is a process of systematic inquiry into a self-identified teaching or learning problem to better understand its complex dynamics and to develop strategies geared towards the problem’s improvement. (Hamilton 1997, 3)

Action research is one form of applied research. Because action research draws on a range of designs and methodologies, it can provide teachers with the opportunity to examine a practical problem within a classroom or school setting. Action research has the potential to greatly enhance both teacher professional development and school improvement initiatives.

The action research process can result in:
  • professional development
  • education change
  • enhanced personal awareness
  • improved practice and
  • new learnings
Action research provides teachers with a systematic process to reflect, consider options, implement and evaluate potential solutions. Action research differs from the day-to-day decision making that teachers do.
Action research is a valuable form of inquiry for educators because it is…
  1. Practical: practical improvements are the focus.
  2. Participative: teachers, administrators, teacher assistants, students and parents can all be involved in meaningful ways.
  3. Empowering: all participants can contribute to and benefit from the process.
  4. Interpretive: meaning is constructed using participants’ multiple realities in the situation.
  5. Tentative: there are not always right or wrong answers; rather, there are possible solutions based on multiple view points.
  6. Critical: participants look critically at specific problems and act as self-critical change agents. (Schmuck 1997, 29)
Hamilton, D. and L. Zaretsky. 1997. “Building Professional Communities of Inquiry in Schools.” Orbit 28:3: 44–47.
Schmuck, R. A. 1997. Practical Action Research For Change. Arlington Heights,
Ill: IRI/Skylight Training and Publishing.


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