
English Teaching in the Secondary School: Linking Theory and Practice (3rd Edition)

Now in an updated third edition, English Teaching in the Secondary School is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of teaching English. Presenting an informed view of current educational policy, the authors provide advice to help students creatively and independently interpret government initiatives and incorporate them in their teaching practice. With practical ideas for use in the classroom, extensive discussion of theory and opportunities for reflection and critical thought, the authors guide students through the whole process of English teaching in the secondary school.
Fully updated to include:

A chapter on research and writing for M-Level students
References to the Every Child Matters agenda
Updates to the KS3 and 14-19 curriculum
Revised GCSE specifications
An emphasis on creativity, flexibility and learner engagement
The impact of globalisation and technology on literacy
Written in an accessible style, with a wealth of advice and ideas, this book forms essential reading for practising teachers, lecturers, PGCE students and those undertaking initial teacher training, and is suitable for those engaging in M level study.

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