
Overcoming Writer’s Block

Writer's block is a very common problem. Even experienced writers sometimes suffer from it. Don’t think that you are the only person it affects. What you need to know is how to get out of the blocked condition.

There are several ways you can do or several tips you can follow in order to overcome writer's block.

  1. Don’t imagine that you should be able to write impeccably at your first attempt. Most successful writers make several drafts of their work. They edit what they write, correct mistakes, make additions and deletions, and generally re-write extensively. Writing fluently and clearly is an advanced skill.
  2. Don’t just sit staring at the blank piece of paper or the editing screen: it will only make you feel worse. Do something else, then come back to the task. Best of all, write something else – something you know you can write. This will help you to feel more confident.
  3. Do some different type of writing as a warm-up exercise. Write a note or a letter to one of your friends. Re-write some of your earlier work, or just write something for your own amusement. This may help to release you from the blocked condition.
  4. Don’t try composing in your head if you get stuck. Put down even your scrappiest ideas, so that you can see what you are dealing with. It may help you to identify any problems which are holding you back. If in doubt, put it down anyway. You can always delete it or change it later.
  5. Get used to the idea of planning and making notes for what you are going to write. Don’t try to work with all the information stored in your head. A sound working plan and good notes will take the strain off you – and will prompt you with ideas, which in turn will prevent any ‘blocks’ developing.
  6. Be prepared to make two or three attempts at anything you write. The first may not be very good, but it can be corrected, altered, changed – or even thrown away. Nobody need to see your first attempts, so you don’t need to worry how bad they are – provided you pass on to a second or a third draft.
  7. Some people develop a block because they think that mistakes and crossings-out on the page will result in ‘wasted paper’. Use scrap paper for your first drafts. The most common causes are a lack of preparation and the misguided idea that it is possible to write successfully at the first attempt.
  8. If you are using a computer, you might try printing off your first attempts and editing them on paper. Some people work best in this combination of two mediums. Even professional writers edit on both screen and paper.


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