"Classroom Dynamics", written Jill Hadfield in set Resource Books For Teachers, contains a huge number of ways presented to make a lesson interesting and dynamical, to create in group of students an atmosphere of goodwill and friendly mutual aid, to make students learn, and to make the most from work on pairs and small groups.
The book consists of three sections:
Section A: Forming the group
1 Breaking the ice:
Warm-up activities for the first week of term (7 activities)
2 Thinking about language:
Individual learning styles and group strategies (3 activities)
3 Thinking about groups:
Group strengths, individual contributions (3 activities)
Section B: Maintaining the group
4 Bridging gaps:
Opinion- and value-bridging activities (7 activities)
5 Maintaining fluidity:
Re-seating and mingle games (6 activities)
6 Getting to know each other:
Humanistic exercises and personalized grammar (6 activities)
7 I did it your way:
Empathy activities (5 activities)
8 A sense of belonging:
Whole group identity activities (6 activities)
9 Establishing trust:
Trust- and confidence-building activities (5 activities)
10 Staying positive:
Encouraging positive feelings (7 activities)
11 Group achievements;
Product-orientated activities (5 activities)
12 Bringing it together:
Pyramid discussions, feedback techniques, and summaries (7 activities)
13 That patriotic class feeling:
Inter-class activities and competitions (5 activities)
14 Ensuring participation (5 activities)
15 Learning to listen (5 activities)
16 A sense of direction:
Setting, assessing, and resetting goals (6 activities)
17 Coexistence and compromise:
Individual wants and frustrations; group solutions (5 activities)
18 Coping with crisis: some group problems
Section C: Ending the group experience
19 Ending with positive feelings (4 activities)
20 Evaluating the group experience (5 activities)
21 Finale
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